Monday, April 4, 2016

Toothpick Tower Challenge

Our latest S.T.E.M. Activity is the Toothpick Tower Challenge. Students were given a box of toothpicks, 15 inches of tape, and a bottle of glue. Their challenge was to build the tallest free-standing tower from the materials. We are practicing the DESIGN PROCESS which includes the following:
1. Brainstorming
2. Investigating
3. Designing
4. Building
5. Testing
6. Redesigning
7. Evaluating.

This was a real challenge for my first group today. I look forward to seeing how the other groups solve this challenge.
 This first group had a tall tower but it ended up tilting to one side.
 These two engineers tried several designs before deciding of this one.
 These two engineers have a two story tower with a flag on top.
The winning tower stood 15 inches at the top of 
a long extension.
Way to go Riley and Krisha!

Dying Eggs

The 5th graders used silk ties to dye eggs in March. Mr. Goethe donated some of his ties, we cut them up, wrapped the eggs tightly with a rubber band and then wrapped each egg with cotton thread. The eggs were then boiled for 30 minutes. Look what happened!!

Talent Time

Our Gifted classes are filled with talented children. All of the children are given opportunities to share their talents and explore others.