Wednesday, January 13, 2016

1st and 2nd Grade Marshmallow Towers

 Cole and Arnav had a great design. 
 Isabella was very determined. . .
 Colin and Tanner also had a great design. The marshmallow was very heavy.
 Luke would not give up trying to make his tower work. That's determination!
And the Winners Are...Izzy and Matthew! Great design! Future Engineers!

Marshmallow Challenge

This week our S.T.E.M. activity is called The Marshmallow Challenge. Student were given the following materials:

20 sticks of spaghetti
1 yard of tape
1 yard of string
1 large marshallow

Their engineering challenge was to  build the tallest freestanding structure using ONLY the materials given. The winning team is the one that builds the tallest freestanding structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. The entire marshmallow must be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow will disqualify your team. Team could use as much or as little of the materials provided, but extra materials cannot be provided. Here is what happened!