Monday, April 4, 2016

Toothpick Tower Challenge

Our latest S.T.E.M. Activity is the Toothpick Tower Challenge. Students were given a box of toothpicks, 15 inches of tape, and a bottle of glue. Their challenge was to build the tallest free-standing tower from the materials. We are practicing the DESIGN PROCESS which includes the following:
1. Brainstorming
2. Investigating
3. Designing
4. Building
5. Testing
6. Redesigning
7. Evaluating.

This was a real challenge for my first group today. I look forward to seeing how the other groups solve this challenge.
 This first group had a tall tower but it ended up tilting to one side.
 These two engineers tried several designs before deciding of this one.
 These two engineers have a two story tower with a flag on top.
The winning tower stood 15 inches at the top of 
a long extension.
Way to go Riley and Krisha!

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